debugging Althea Development Update #77: Hiding in plain sight Since our last update I’ve encountered a couple of bugs where the problem had been hiding in plain sight. In one case for weeks and another for a year or more. Discovering root causes long term subtle bugs is both satisfying and important to create a better product.
debugging Althea Development Update #73: For want of a transaction A minute later when the gateway tried to validate that same payment again it chose the same failed node at random. It wouldn't get a third chance.
debugging Althea Development Update #71: Transaction amnesia As I slapped this solution together I got a bad feeling. What if the full node lied to us? I really couldn’t think of a situation in which it would but I just couldn’t shake it.
Ethereum Althea Development Update #70: Dueling scripts Put on your night time sunglasses because I have a tale from our cyberpunk future, or present as it may be. How a poorly coded smart contract disrupted an ISP in rural Oregon.