Blockchain Althea Development Update #60: Teaching people to setup real gear Globetrotting and training
Blockchain Althea Development Update #59: Experiments in real world payments Check out our new website
Decentralization Decentralized vs federated payment structures in Althea Me and Deborah Simpier were just talking about the role of decentralized node-to-node payments vs “federated” subnet DAO payments in…
Tech Althea Development Update #58: Online Port toggling, more payments progress Deborah and Jehan spent last week in Medellin Colombia helping to setup an Althea network there. You should read Deborah’s blog post about…
Rustlang Althea Development Update #57: First transactions, DAO payments soon to follow Update Summary
Blockchain Althea Development Update #55: Network organizer features I’m very happy to say that since our last update we’ve had about 8 devices be put into real world use without any of the failures/crashes…
Tech Althea Development Update #54: Better networking management, moving on deployments What’s new in Alpha 8
Tech Althea Development Update #53: Timelines and building rock solid software I’m happy to say that we’ve brought on board 3 new developers since our last update. We’ve also expanded the marketing team to add some…
Performance Althea Development Update #52: Asking the right questions about performance Here’s our Alpha 6 release
DNS Outage report: False DNS responses When I was selecting the default DNS settings for the Althea firmware I wanted to choose a few publicly available but privacy focused DNS…
Ipv6 Outage report: ipv6 broadcast packets and old Ubiquiti radio firmwares On the week of June 4th we rolled out the Alpha 3 software update to Althea devices. Shortly thereafter the Clatskani network went down.
Rustlang Althea Development Update #50: Putting out fires in production Last update we created a ‘stable’ release channel and rolled out our latest and greatest to the 7 devices we had in production.
Rustlang Althea Development Update #49: A stable release schedule and governance For the first time we have something ready to put on our releases page.
Blockchain The Althea governance model Althea is a system that lets routers pay each other directly for bandwidth, similar to how ISPs peer with one another on the internet…
Tech Althea Development Update #48: Bringing old buildings into the future These last couple of weeks have been an all out code sprint on our way to Alpha 3, productivity is pretty rapid now that the groundwork is…
Net Neutrality Althea in rural Oregon This article is about a network started by Deborah Simpier, who has been working on incentivized mesh for years, but joined the Althea team a couple months ago. She started this network before joining our team, and was actually Althea’s first user.
VPN Althea Development Update #47: Alpha 2 Milestone I’m proud to announce the alpha 2 milestone for Althea. In Alpha 1 firmware setup was too tightly integrated into the build process to…
Mesh Networks Althea Development Update #46: User Interface Design It’s been an eventful couple of weeks for us.
Software Development Althea Development Update #45: Thinking about governance Now that we’ve had stuff in the field for a few weeks we’re rolling back our focus on shipping new users and instead focusing on polishing…
Tech Althea Development Update #44: Picking up steam Althea now has 4 full time users with more in the immediate pipeline and longer term plans shaping up.
Mesh Networks Althea Development Update #43: Website refresh, support for more routers Jehan and @scottwxrks have rounded out our website update over the past couple of weeks. We now have a map showing active Althea…
Raspberry Pi Althea Development Update #42: Serial Number Zero Its been a very busy two weeks since my last update.